The Basics

Do you find yourself having a hard time using software? That's okay! We can guide you step by step; from logging in to uploading photos. The rest of these FAQs will explain the rest of the nitty gritty of ZenFotomatic. But for now, let's begin!

On the top right of the page, click “Log In”.

Or you can log in/sign up through the app! 

Please enter your registered email then your password before clicking “Log In”.

After logging in, your screen should look a little something like this. This is our quick walkthrough for ZenFotomatic which will guide you to where the upload, settings, process, download and help sections are.

However, if you accidentally skipped our Onboarding it should take you straight into the app.

To upload, click the icon on the top left corner.

Select all the photos that you wish to upload. We recommend that you place all the photos you wish to edit in the same folder.

Once you have uploaded all the photos you wish to edit, they will show in a sequence of thumbnails. If you select a single thumbnail, you will be able to select specific settings that you wish to apply to that photo only.

To change settings on ZenFotomatic, select from the icon bar on the left hand side. 

That's it for the basics! How did you go? If you have any other questions, check out the rest of the FAQ or if your question delves deeper, feel free to contact us!

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